Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Things are looking up!

I've never been the girl who puts away 'skinny clothes' with the hopes that I will fit into them in the future. I've been the same size since I was in midde school. Some people may called that blessed, or just a high metabolism. I like to think its a little of both. :) When I was in middle school, almost everyone is the same pre-teen size and don't get much bigger until college (Freshman 15, or is it 20 now?). Even though I am an adult and mother now, I am the same size. My biggest pet peeve is when people think that I don't eat or that I choose to be this tiny. My few close friends and family know that I can polish off a huge plate of food like nobody's business. A coworker once told me that I was so tiny I should eat a whole tray of brownies. I told her that if she made them, I would eat them! Who doesn't love brownies?! Another coworker thought I was to tiny and fragile to carry two big boxes of envelopes. Seriously?! I'm a super toughie too! Back to my main point, I just had to throw all that out there first.

Some people store jeans or dresses they won't wear for awhile in the back of their closet and call them their 'skinny jeans' or 'skinny clothes'. I on the other hand put shoes in the back of my closet. When I find them again, I look at them with new eyes and think, 'Where have these been the past few months?!' I was choosing my outfit for the next workday and decided to do a little digging. I found some black slingback Nine West heels in the very back of my closet. I pulled them out - dusted them off a bit - and put them on. 'Things were looking up!' as Carrie Bradshaw would say. I would recommend that before you throw something or sell something, put it at the end of your closet, you may look at it in a couple months and think, 'Wow! I remember why I got these!' I'm not saying you won't want to sell some, 2 out of the 3 shoes I found in the back of my closet I plan to sell to Plato's Closet.

Just give it a try!

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