Monday, October 23, 2017

A daily reminder.

Mondays are always hard. It begins the work-week and waking up at 5 am. Besides this blog and my stylist/design career, I also have a full time job that keeps me busy during the week. It is constantly challenging me to be positive and reflect on the blessings in my life. Work can often bombard me with stress and negativity, but it's those days that I remember 3 little words; You are Loved.

I made this bracelet for the constant reminder that no matter what happens, I am so loved. Even with the negativity in the world or even in my workplace, I am loved. It's not always easy to remember the positives when you are struggling or in the dark places. But having a reminder on your wrist can help even the strongest 'mommy brain'.

A few weeks back, the sermon at my church was about setting our hearts on things above and not just for earthly things. This hit home and I had to take a step back and realize that what I enjoy (fashion, shopping, material things) are not what should bring me joy. They do and it's ok to enjoy them, but to know my limit. I am challenging myself to direct my focus more on bringing others happiness and showing them style in a different way and by providing truthful compliments.

What do you do to keep your focus positive and in the right direction? Are you trying to bring a negative conversation into a more positive view? Or do you remind yourself that 'this too will pass'? Whatever you do to stay positive, remember, You Are Loved.

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