Sunday, November 5, 2017

How do you do it all?

That's one of the questions I get asked most often. And honestly, I question that myself most days. Compared to some other moms and women I know, I feel like I do less. I'm constantly in awe of those who have children and find time to blog, write books or home school. While what I accomplish seems like a lot to others, it is very minimal compared to these other women I know.

At any given moment, new ideas are running through my head. This is not a complete list of projects I currently have waiting to be finished - I have others that I probably forgot about. A few weeks ago, I bought a chair that I planned  reupholstering that is waiting for the perfect blush pink fabric. I painted the arms gold a few weeks ago and it sits in my garage just collecting dust and fallen leaves that blow in when I open the door. It will be something beautiful eventually when I am ready to finish it and put it in my studio.

In my studio I have a 3 part garment in progress that consists of a long bell sleeve, open back burgundy crop top. A lingerie slip/skirt and a mini black velvet skirt over top. It only needs a few more stitches and a vinegar bath to get rid of the old smell from the vintage fabric I used and it will be finished. But for now, it is on my list of things to do.

My oldest son will be 8 soon and those who know me, know that I tend to go out of control for birthdays. I have some ideas running through my head (science experiments and painting), but I have yet to get anything ready. Added to my already lengthy list.

I'm working on some embroidery pieces to add to some jeans to give them more detail. I have a couple earrings sketched out that I'd like to start and finish in the same day.

In addition to all this, we recently sold our house and will be moving into a new home in one short month. With packing, inspections and completing my list, I don't know how I do it all. I need a really long vacation to a deserted island during this North Dakota winter.

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