Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The studio.

In the 13 years I've been actively designing and sewing, I've gone from using the kitchen table, to the spare bedroom in our twin home, to now having my own larger space in our new house. To say I'm excited about this space is the understatement of the year (I can say that now because we are almost to the end of 2017 - crazy!). We close on the new house in 23 days and I can't wait to get into my studio. I already have plans to redo my desk, make a lounge area for clients and a screen divider for when my clients are changing into their custom made piece.

My office desk will be painted from the original oak to a clean looking white. I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday and became overwhelmed with all the knobs to choose from. I've narrowed it down to 15.

I'm working on revamping a chair from dark wood arms and brown cushions, to gold arms and a floral print cushion. I saw a wicker chair with a cushion on a Facebook sale group that I have my eye on to redo for my lounge area. Maybe painted white with a colorful cushion? Yellow? Teal?


Then I just bought a teal trunk at J's Funky Market in Moorhead, MN that will be used as the coffee table. Can't you just see Vogue and InStyle sitting on it with a small centerpiece?

After the artwork gets hung, curtains are put up and an area rug is put down, I can get to work on creating more pieces for clients and inviting them to my studio space to try on and fit. This space will get creative juices flowing, you're welcome to stop by anytime.

Sunday, November 12, 2017


We are days away from selling our first house and moving into our forever home. The new house is perfect. Over double the square footage and it just feels like our family and kids could grow up there. There's only one problem; the master closet is smaller than my current closet. For example, my current closet has 6 feet of dress space and the new closet has 2 feet. Did I mention that I'm a total dress girl? You would think that a smaller closet would be a deal breaker, (Next! Let's move on!) but there are so many other parts of the house that out-weigh this small space. You'll have to see my studio space! It's ahhhmazing!

As a result of this downgrade, I've had to destash and get rid of some things. In total, I removed 54 pieces from my closet. It seems like a lot, but when you look in the closet now, it's still hard to see the dent I made. Let's not get crazy, I still need my clothes (I don't live on a nudist island - North Dakota is far from that!). My plan is to interchange seasons. Since we are in the tundra season now, I'll keep my warm pieces in the closet and bring my summer items to the spare closet in the basement. And when the weather gets warmer in 400 days (it feels like), I'll switch them out.

Some things I gave away or donated were New York & Co. colored pants, Forever 21 dresses, Loft dresses, JCPenny blouses, The Limited sweaters, a Paul & Joe Target blouse, Old Navy cardigans, Payless shoes, Gap blouses, Banana Republic tanks and a couple pieces of jewelry.

I have to admit that when I took them off the hanger, I ran through some ideas in my head of how I could still wear them and what to wear them with. But then reality set in and I'm pretty sure I said out loud, "Yeah, right. If I haven't worn them by now, I'll never wear them like that."

It does give me some joy knowing that others will benefit from my donation and that I'll be able to make room in my closet for new items. My husband will still have to use another closet, but with a bigger house, everyone can get their own closet!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

How do you do it all?

That's one of the questions I get asked most often. And honestly, I question that myself most days. Compared to some other moms and women I know, I feel like I do less. I'm constantly in awe of those who have children and find time to blog, write books or home school. While what I accomplish seems like a lot to others, it is very minimal compared to these other women I know.

At any given moment, new ideas are running through my head. This is not a complete list of projects I currently have waiting to be finished - I have others that I probably forgot about. A few weeks ago, I bought a chair that I planned  reupholstering that is waiting for the perfect blush pink fabric. I painted the arms gold a few weeks ago and it sits in my garage just collecting dust and fallen leaves that blow in when I open the door. It will be something beautiful eventually when I am ready to finish it and put it in my studio.

In my studio I have a 3 part garment in progress that consists of a long bell sleeve, open back burgundy crop top. A lingerie slip/skirt and a mini black velvet skirt over top. It only needs a few more stitches and a vinegar bath to get rid of the old smell from the vintage fabric I used and it will be finished. But for now, it is on my list of things to do.

My oldest son will be 8 soon and those who know me, know that I tend to go out of control for birthdays. I have some ideas running through my head (science experiments and painting), but I have yet to get anything ready. Added to my already lengthy list.

I'm working on some embroidery pieces to add to some jeans to give them more detail. I have a couple earrings sketched out that I'd like to start and finish in the same day.

In addition to all this, we recently sold our house and will be moving into a new home in one short month. With packing, inspections and completing my list, I don't know how I do it all. I need a really long vacation to a deserted island during this North Dakota winter.